Who we are
My name is Joseph Floyd. My wife of 20 years and counting, Erikka and I are the lucky parents of two beautiful daughters, McKayla and Sydney. We grew up in Hunterdon County, NJ and have learned to appreciate the beauty the area has to offer and the many wonderful people who reside here. During the pandemic I made the tough decision to close my contracting business Paragon Home Repair and Maintenance, and pursue a corporate position in facilities management. I accepted a role where I am responsible for the day to day upkeep of multiple facilities across the country. The transition was smooth and the work is enjoyable, but has always left me missing the personal connection to the clients who supported me in business for over twenty years. As the years pass, I am seeing my clients and my own family members age to the point where they can no longer do what was a simple task just a few years back. While looking into the resources available to assist these folks, I quickly learned that there really isn’t a one stop shop that can serve this population. So in search of a way to offer that service, I have founded Night & Day Services LLC where we look to help put together the pieces and assist as many people as we can. On the corporate side, I have learned how incredibly frustrating it is to find even a basic services contractor to complete small to mid-sized jobs. I plan to build a part of Night & Day Services that serves that sector as well. We look forward to seeing the returning faces and meeting the new ones in the exciting times ahead.